Brexipede Mk II

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here! Everything goes straight onto social media these days but I fear I could get Zucced for this one under the new regime so I’m playing it safe.

You may remember the Inhuman Brexipede that I made for some reason a few years ago. I always felt it was unforgivable of me that Dominic Cummings wasn’t part of it but luckily the lovely Jude & Jon who bought it from me allowed me to borrow it back to rectify this heinous mistake.

So here he is, joining in his rightful role as the rear segment, curling off a large and uncomfortable Brexshit.

Now I can rest and hopefully never crochet a naked right wing bastard ever again (ha, yeah right).

Incidentally, if you would like me to be able to find you if I ever DO get kicked off the social networks for my endeavours, please subscribe to the mailing list here. I actually very rarely send anything out, but it is really comforting to have a back up plan in case it all goes tits up elsewhere, plus you get a code for 10% off any order!

'Which of these utter bastards is the worst' poll - results!

On 16th August I ran a poll asking the public which of these utter bastards is the worst, and the results are in!

Yes, with her biggest majority since she climbed triumphant upon David Cameron's rotting carcass your awful winner is Theresa May, with an uncharacteristically impressive mandate of 69.5%. Well done Theresa.

As much as I always say that the voodoo bit is a joke, I almost felt bad sitting here sticking 167 pins in Theresa May's head but then I remembered schools, the NHS and poverty and I have to say that made it feel ok again.

Congratulations/commiserations to Michael Gove who came 2nd with 20% of the vote, and Boris Johnson who continues to snake along relatively unhated because he has silly hair, with a mere 10.5%, the popular bastard.


Thanks to The Canary for spreading the word!

Claptone Video!

March 2017

I was super stoked to be asked to make a bespoke voodoo doll for a music video by the awesome Claptone!! 

Had to keep it completely under my hat for weeks as well, during which I almost popped. 

Watch to the end of the video, to see my work BUUUUURN!!!

JC4PM For Me - Xmas Single

December 2016

Stand Up For Labour asked whether they could use my Jeremy Corbyn Alternative Xmas Tree Topper in the video for their Xmas single, JC4PM For Me, with all profits going to the Trussell Trust, who help people in need.

Of course I was happy to say yes and ordered myself a copy which was pleasingly pressed onto red vinyl!

My little Corbyn appeared on the record sleeve and at the beginning of the video. 

We didn't make the Xmas No.1 unfortunately, but I hope lots of money was raised for the charity.

Daily Politics

November 2016

I was invited to be the funny story at the end on BBC's Daily Politics TV show. This kind of thing terrifies me but at the same time it was a challenge I decided I wanted to conquer and too good an opportunity to miss, so I agreed.

It was actually a really great experience and as soon as it was over I was so, so glad that I had done it and not hidden away in my woollen nest like I wanted to when I first contemplated the prospect.

I've still never re-watched it all the way through but I've seen enough to decide that it wasn't a disaster (unlike a couple of previous local efforts) - now I just have to somehow get a whole lot less animated in case I ever go on television again!

The Day I Finally Met Jeremy Bernard Corbyn

August 2016

I doubt it will surprise you to know that I am a bit of a fan of Jeremy Corbyn.

So, on 2nd August 2016 I went along to his very sold out rally at the Brighton Centre. I was chuffed just to have a ticket, as they went like hot cakes (it was free, but ticketed. Of course, being the legend he is, Jeremy Corbyn did a separate speech outside for all of those unable to get tickets to the event) and camaraderie in the queue to get in early was high. I had brought along a Corbyn doll in the hope that I would get to meet him, but had been told it was very unlikely.

Imagine my extreme over excitedness when my friend Libby (who works with the brilliant left-wing group Momentum) appeared and told me that she had told Jeremy about my dolls and he wanted to meet me afterwards!

And so here we are, together, after his brilliant, brilliant rally. I look an absolute mess, having queued in the rain and not made all that much effort in the first place because I didn't really expect to meet him - but I don't care - this is one of my favourite photos ever, even with my big gormless grin on.

Of course, he was lovely. I was a bit too giddy to ask or say anything meaningful but I offered him the doll and his lovely eyes twinkled as he took it, smiled and popped it in his pocket, as you can see here. 

And then off he went, to do more awesome stuff.

My hero. <3 

Jeremy Corbyn and Katrina Stiff

Mark Steel

July 2016

On 31st July 2016 I was a very lucky girl and scored a ticket to the preview of the brilliant left-wing comedian Mark Steel's Edinburgh show, at a pub here in Brighton for eight quid! 

Obviously the show was brilliant, and to top it off I managed to corner him for a minute afterwards to give him his very own Jeremy Corbyn doll. He seemed a bit surprised - I don't know whether or not he remembered the Michael Gove Voodoo Pincushion he'd seen when he was on the panel of Have I Got News For You a couple of years previously!

Mark Steel and Katrina Stiff

Knitting Magazine

June 2016

I was over the moon to be the subject of a two-page Artist Profile in the August 2016 edition of Knitting Magazine! 

Snorkers Imaginarium in Knitting Magazine

Plus a mention on a different page for good measure. I remember the morning this came out I was feeling a little sad for some reason but when I saw this my spirits soared through the roof!! Thank you Knitting Magazine! 

BBC Radio Sussex and Chris Riddell!

May 2016

On 4th May 2016 I was invited to talk to Danny Pike on BBC Radio Sussex about "quirky businesses". It wasn't my first time in the studio - I had been in twice previously with Neil Pringle (see press page for the recordings!) - but I like to think there is a marked improvement in the quality of my contribution, as I was really nervous the first two times but less so on this occasion, two years later.

Snorkers Imaginarium and Danny Pike

On my way out after the interview I was stopped by a man who had been listening in the green room and wanted to have a look at my pincushions. Blow me down if it wasn't the mighty illustrator and Children's Laureate, Chris Riddell!! 

He was absolutely lovely and said lots of nice things about my work - some of it on air in the interview after mine, which made me feel very warm inside.

Oxford Human Rights Festival 2016

February 2016

I was honoured to be asked to take part in the 2016 Oxford Human Rights Festival as part of their 'Women in Adversity: Contemporary and Traditional Crafts as a Source of Hope and Income' exhibition which ran at Oxford Brookes University from 25th January to 9th February.

It was also brilliant to meet the lovely Helen from Crafters Against Cuts, and to see the protest banner I'd contributed a few red granny squares towards! 

The Michael Gove Voodoo Pincushion

September 2013

My first delve into the world of what would later be named crochet satire came in the form of the Michael Gove Voodoo Pincushion. My punishment for creating this was to spend the best part of the next two years making them. Michael Gove and his wife bought one each (for each other) for Christmas. Crazy times.

He caused quite a stir, it must be said - much of which you can see for yourself on my Press Page - but the highlight would surely have to be the terrifying moment it appeared on BBCs Have I Got News For You.

Michael Gove Voodoo Pincushion

Old News and New Beginnings

It's the beginning of a new chapter for Snorkers Imaginarium, as my Etsy Shop and clunky old website close and a shiny new internet window opens! 

Sadly I've lost the old website in it's entirety due to not really knowing what I'm doing when it comes to a certain (embarrassingly low) level of technology, so to get us up to date I'm going to post the best bits of news from the past twelve months or so, and then continue to update when I have new news!

Chances are that if you're reading this you've probably already scrolled through everything I will have posted since this, so it's kind of a redundant post in one way - but in another, if you think about it, it's a bit like time travel.

Kat x