Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here! Everything goes straight onto social media these days but I fear I could get Zucced for this one under the new regime so I’m playing it safe.
You may remember the Inhuman Brexipede that I made for some reason a few years ago. I always felt it was unforgivable of me that Dominic Cummings wasn’t part of it but luckily the lovely Jude & Jon who bought it from me allowed me to borrow it back to rectify this heinous mistake.
So here he is, joining in his rightful role as the rear segment, curling off a large and uncomfortable Brexshit.
Now I can rest and hopefully never crochet a naked right wing bastard ever again (ha, yeah right).
Incidentally, if you would like me to be able to find you if I ever DO get kicked off the social networks for my endeavours, please subscribe to the mailing list here. I actually very rarely send anything out, but it is really comforting to have a back up plan in case it all goes tits up elsewhere, plus you get a code for 10% off any order!